

Other products by Wheeler Rex
Item #: W-300IPPC
Our Price: $139.95


Make accurate, square cuts at floor level or in other blind locations with this internal plastic pipe cutter. With its unique design and spring-loaded blade design, this cutter makes cuts to your specified depth in seconds.


Pipe Size: 3" Sch 40
Pipe Material: PVC, ABS, or DWV
Min. Cut Depth: 1.625"
Max Cut Depth: 8.25"
Power Source: 1/2" capacity, 350–450 RPM drill, rated at 4.6 to 6 amps

Directions for Use:

1. Measure desired “X” depth.
2. Set “X” cutting depth and tighten set screw
securely to avoid any change in the “X” depth while cutting.

3a. Tip at a shallow angle so that the blade is inside of the pipe.
3b. Push to depress blade until blade drum will enter the pipe.
4a. Chuck shaft in HD 1/2” drill motor, 1/2”
capacity, 350-450rpm, 4.5-6 amps. Keep
flange in contact with the end of the pipe and
turn on the drill motor. Be sure rotation is clockwise
(normal forward). The blade will self-feed
until the cutoff is complete.
NOTE: Hold trigger grip and side handle securely
to control torque reaction.
4b. The cutoff portion will remain on the tool.
4c. Depress the blade, flush with cutter drum and
pull the tool out of the cutoff portion of the pipe.
CAUTION: Do Not attempt to cutoff below floor level
without a 1/2” thick, soft stub wrapper or equal clearance
around the outside of the pipe. The blade will be severely
damaged if it contacts the concrete slabs or other hard
floor materials.


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