

Other products by Vapor Pin
Item #: VP-FMC
Our Price: $16.00


The Vapor Pin ® Plastic Flush Mount Cover is designed to make a relatively flush surface after installation of the Vapor Pin for short-term or low access sites. The plastic cover fits inside of the 1.5" countersink for flush mounting applications in the Vapor Pin SOP. This Cover works with all Vapor Pins ®.


For questions about this product or others, please call us at 888-511-4377


Material: Low Density Poly
Required Hole: 1.5" Drill
Lock Key: None


The Vapor Pin ® was specifically designed to collect soil gas for sub-slab vapor-intrusion assessments. By sampling the soil gas directly beneath the building's floor, the Vapor Pin ® System provides the most accurate risk assessment of vapor-intrusion. The Secure Cover threads into the Vapor Pin securing it in place and protecting it from debris and damage due to foot traffic and light machinery.

The Vapor Pin ® Plastic Flush Mount Cover can be installed with a 1-12" hammer drill.

After installing the Vapor Pin ® and allowing soil gas to equilibrate for two hours or more, connect the Summa canister, Tedlar bag, or another sample container to the Vapor Pin ®, purge the dead space in the sample train, and collect the sample.

SOP and other Resources:

PDF Standard Operating Procedure


Vapor Pin DrawingVapor Pin Drawing 2





  NOTE: ESP is only allowed to distribute Vapor Pin inside the US and its territories. For international orders, please refer to the Vapor Pin Distributor page. 


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